Desmond completed the Skilling Queenslanders for Work Contact Careers program, which developed his customer service skills. He is now seeking his dream position as a Hotel Concierge.
When Mattthew first started the Building Bundaberg program, a 20-week paid traineeship funded by Skilling Queenslanders for Work, his first comment was, “I don’t know if I will enjoy this.” One week into the program which provided skills in general construction, Matthew wholeheartedly threw himself into the tasks, gaining friendships and valuable construction skills along the way!
Skilling Queenslanders for Work is a Queensland government funded initiative to skill up job seekers and prepare them for the workforce. Partnering with organisations like the RSPCA and Maryborough District Animal Shelter, the Hilton Hotel Brisbane and local Queensland Councils, the SQW programs offer eligible participants hands-on work experience, skills development and the opportunity to connect with local employers.
The programs vary in length, ranging from 2 to 20 weeks and are designed to equip eligible jobseekers with a variety of work-ready skills. Participants can gain qualifications and on-site work experience in a variety of industries including business, hospitality, construction trades, retail, warehousing and contact centre support. Some of the programs, like Building Bundaberg, also offer participants a paid traineeship over the period.
Des was another job seeker that had doubts about his abilities when he first started the Contact Careers Skilling Queenslanders for Work program. This program taught a range of customer service skills for hospitality, tourism and contact centres. Des didn’t believe he was employable but by day three of the program, he stated, “I’m starting to believe!”. As he said this in front of the group, a ripple effect occurred amongst the other participants. Since completing the program, Des is gaining help from the team to fulfil his dream of becoming a Hotel Concierge.
Krystlene has an achievable goal to work on a cruise ship in housekeeping and travel the world! A participant in the Hospitality Rising Stars Skilling Queenslanders for Work program which is run from the Hilton Hotel in Brisbane, Krystlene was an exemplar example to others in the program and applied herself wholeheartedly to learn skills for the hospitality and tourism sector. With support from her mentor, Krystlene will no doubt achieve her dream soon!
When Mitchell first started Skills for MDAR (a paid 20-week traineeship and Skilling Queenslanders program based at Maryborough District Animal Rescue shelter), he described himself to the group as “Just the funny guy.” The team very quickly realised that Mitchell was not just a funny guy but a hardworking, polite and thoughtful one who motivated his team-mates with initiatives like ‘Funny Fridays’, sharing memes to keep everyone’s spirits up after a hard week’s work. With his excellent work ethic and raised confidence, Mitchell was soon placed into work and is now employed as a consultant in a bookstore.
Similarly, Ngahina also gained work after completing a Skilling Queenslanders for Work program at Wacol RSPCA where she completed her Certificate I in Business. A full-time mum, Ngahina had been out of the workforce for an extended time and lacked confidence. We’re sure other mothers can relate with her comment, “You forget about yourself when you are a mum, so to be able to do this for me is everything!”
She applied herself to the program, learnt valuable skills and gained enough confidence to gain a role as an employment support coach and is now helping others into employment.
Imagine Douglas’s delight when, after attending a Skilling Queenslanders for Work program in warehousing, he had the option of two job offers! Entering the program with some major barriers from his past, Douglas didn’t let that define his future and turned up everyday ready to learn skills for warehousing industry. He applied for multiple roles early in the program and, armed with an updated resume, received three interviews and was given two job offers. Douglas is now back in the workforce and the future looks bright!
Skilling Queenslanders for Work Program Manager at Skill360, Kristie Kelly, said “These are just some of the wonderful outcomes for job seekers that we witness through highly successful Queensland government initiative. Some of the participants have been out of the workforce for some time, many are lacking confidence or the necessary level of skills that employers are seeking.
“Participants not only gain valuable vocational skills, they gain soft skills like teamwork, cooperation, communication in the workforce and presentation. We’re looking forward to the programs continuing in 2025 with some exciting new programs on offer too!”
Find out more about upcoming Skilling Queenslanders for Work programs for 2025.
Skill360 is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO:1607) and a part of The BUSY Group, an Australian community organisation offering employment, education, health and training programs to support individuals with their careers and businesses with their human resourcing needs.

Douglas completed the Skilling Queenslanders for Work program undertaking Warehousing skills and, after two job offers, is now happily employed.

Krystlene completed the Hospitality Rising Stars program and is pursuing her dream of working on a cruise ship and travelling the world.