User Choice
The User Choice program, offered by the Queensland Government’s Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET), provides funding to support apprenticeships and traineeships in various industries.
The program is designed to enable employers to choose a preferred registered training organisation (RTO) from a list of approved providers who offer nationally recognised qualifications. The chosen RTO will deliver the training and assessment services for the apprentice or trainee. The funding provided by the program covers a portion of the training costs, while the employer and apprentice/trainee share the remaining costs.
To be eligible for the User Choice program, the apprentice or trainee must have a signed training contract with their employer, and the training must be delivered by an approved RTO.
The program also offers additional funding for priority qualifications, such as those in demand by industry and those that support the government’s skills priorities. The priority qualifications are reviewed regularly to ensure they reflect current industry needs.
Overall, the User Choice program aims to support the development of a skilled workforce in Queensland by providing funding for apprenticeships and traineeships in priority industries and qualifications.

Student Contribution Fees
Students undertaking training funded under the User Choice program are required to contribute to the cost of their training through a contribution fee. Student contribution fees under the User Choice program are set at $1.60 per nominal hour for each unit of competency. This fee may be paid on your behalf by an employer or another third party.
Partial Contribution Fees of 40% will be charged where evidence of a Health Care Card, Pension Card, or where the student is of school age or identifies themselves as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person.
School-based apprentices and trainees are exempt from student contribution fees for all units that are commenced while in school.

Payment of Student Contribution Fees
Payment of student contribution fees can be made at enrolment into the qualification or over the duration of the apprenticeship or traineeship.
Refund Terms
If a student cancels from their apprenticeship or traineeship a full refund will be provided for units not yet commenced. Units that have commenced but are not yet competent will receive a 60% refund.
Free apprenticeships for under 25s
Free apprenticeships for under 25s offers fully subsidised training for 139 priority apprenticeship and traineeship qualifications in areas such as electrical, plumbing and engineering as well as early childhood, aged and disability care.
The Free apprenticeships for under 25s program will cover the cost of training for Queensland apprentices or trainees who commenced or are undertaking 1 of the 139 high priority apprenticeship or traineeship qualifications from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2024.